
white snow, red blood

You have some guts to come out here, to the far far Pale, in the coldest winter month. Alone. In front a train passes, behind a shot fires. Fresh blood melts the snow below, stains your boots (previously your father's). You didn't see them again, but you don't really need boots to walk in the snow.

Take a red die and a white die. When doing something risky1, in a rush and unprepared, roll the dice and look at the highest one. On a 5 or 6, succeed, else fail. The die you look at decides your fate2.

The white die answers only to the Queen. It stands for all things holy, noble and beneficial. Fail and lose something precious or sacred or useful. Succeed and advance the order of propriety, progress, production, profit.

The red die agitates for a revolution. It speaks for all with a hammer and any with a sickle. Fail and have blood on your hands. Succeed and bring the chaos of the revolution one day closer, until a red flag waves over the white winter palace.

When you look at both dice as they are one, the wordly (un)balance is kept. Give one offering, leverage, power to the deity Capital. Watch as it grows.

  1. new (year’s) resolution mechanic

  2. new wisdoms for new worlds
