
astrography, historiography

Imperial star sectors are regions of three, four or five worlds. Star sectors are used by navy and frontier administrations to manage operations, annexations. Worlds (planets, moons, stations) are classified by their environment and form of local government.

environment government
0 cracked abandoned
1 dead, phantom anarchists
2 gaseous, cloud the frontier authority
3 burning, volcanic artificial intelligence
4 desert martial law
5 orbital station a corporate entity
6 frozen, wintery a council of feudal houses
7 forested, jungle theocratic leaders
8 archipelago, oceanic a stellar monarch
9 temperate, earthlike the imperial embassy

When populating a sector, imbue each world with a PLACE:

shaping the future

Sketch a timeline of possible events based on your characters and factions. Take into account Imperial, rebellious or alien interventions. Every month, one or two events will change some aspects of the sector’s worlds (laws, appearance, characters, exports). Rare events will change a world’s environment or government. Legendary events can change the Empire itself.

  1. laws of the land
